Student Parking Issue: Carine Senior High School

Student Parking Issue: Carine Senior High School Main Image

04 September 2021

It was recently brought to my office’s attention that year 12 students from Carine Senior High School have been parking in nearby streets during school hours, causing issues for local residents.

I have been working with the Hon Sue Ellery MLC, Minister for Education and Training and the City of Stirling to find a solution.

As part of the McGowan Government’s $32 million re-development of Carine Senior High School, an additional 85 parking bays will be incorporated into the design. It’s anticipated that some of these parking bays will come on line next year, and the Minister has asked for any surplus parking bays to be made available to students.

The Department of Education is also working with the City of Stirling to create extra street parking embayments in surrounding roads and to determine if signage can be installed in local streets to limit student parking.

I will continue to work with the school, Minister and local residents to deliver a positive outcome for our community and I thank you for your patience while the issue is resolved.